Tuesday, November 4, 2008

One Word

If there was a word to describe
I would feel complete.
I wouldn't wonder why I love 
you so much.
I wouldn't ask myself  how, 
I'd think of that word and simply smile.
If I knew a word that could describe you.
And how you make me feel, I'd put your
name in the dictionary right next to it.
Whenever I had doubts or worries,
I'd say that word to myself and feel 
no fear.
Because I know that you would never
hurt me. 
You'd never break my heart and leave 
it there..though many others have.
You never could even consider doing the same.
Because the love we share...is different.
it doesn't hide itself nor does it have any shame.
Our love is shown and our feelings do the same.
It may not be typical, but it feels so right.
Never will I second guess my love for you.
because deep down inside, I honestly adore you.
You amaze me with your kindness, honesty, and
I feel lucky to have gotten this close to you,
and connect with you on this level.
Never will the day come..when I'll regret it.
I'm still searching for that word...and when I
find it ...I'll never forget it.


Elle Bee said...

this was beautiful.



tommeh said...

hmm.. I think I know the word..
It's "dword".. lol